Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

When can you expect blog posts from us?

Good to see you here! Today, we wanted to give you a general overview of when you can expect a new blog post coming out. Our plan is to share a new post every other week; however, we sometimes can deviate from our plans on special occasions.

One such occasion which can cause us to deviate from the regular schedule is a training event. During a training event, all ESRs come together (online or at one of the host institutions) to learn both scientific/technical and soft skills from experts in the field. The week after a training event will feature blog posts that give insights into what we learned. Actually, we’ve just had such a training event! This means you can expect four posts next week concerning the following topics: Gender in Science, Bilateral Accounts of Language, Neuroscience and Neurolinguistics. 

Our posting behaviour may also differ, for example, to feature special events, publications, and announcements. 

Follow us on Twitter (@CobraNetwork)  and Instagram (@conversationalbrainsmscaitn) to stay up to date. 

Author: Dorina de Jong, ESR2, @dorinadejong
Editors: Blog committee

If you want to know more about our projects and the ESRs working on them, please look under the Training tab.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk via Pixabay

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